RUINS – A feature film shot during lockdown

When Dallas,TX ordered for a mandatory STAY-AT-HOME during April 2020 due to COVID-19, Look Around Film had to stall a project that we were working on. All production had to be temporarily stopped. It was a tough time for any creative person to undergo a forced work stoppage.

“How about writing a script that we can shoot within the four walls of each one’s house?”

The entire story of RUINS was the exploration for finding the answer to that question. Is there a possible way to write something that is good enough to be made by each actor from their home without compromising the quality of the end product. Forced limitations lead us to write a one person-perspective script with a brilliant story. Also, the crew devised new technology and ways for shooting a standard profile of footage from each actor’s end. We had to procure standardized video recording software as well as audio equipment. Also this involved multiple training sessions for lighting, configuration and production.

Then came the next challenge of rehearsing, acting and direction. Since each member of the team were in remote locations, all scenes were shot multiple times with the director comments also given as an output video on the original video marked with changes. This was a laborious process involving innumerous video calls and online conferences.

The pre-production efforts took 2 months time. The production started in June, 2020 and was formally completed by end of October 2020. RUINS has a runtime of 75 minutes.

Ruins Poster
Ruins Official Cover Poster

SYNOPSIS: A film telling the story of grit and fighting spirit of humanity to rebuild life from the ashes. Sometime in the future, a cleaning crew that was employed by the United Federation of Earth (the country of all remaining people on earth), finds a secure hard disk containing video files.

RUINS is geared to be premiered for few prestigious film festivals initially. The date for a public release of the film will happen only after the film festival submissions are completed.